Churchwide Study - Uncontainable

September 11, 2024 6:30pm

Address: Community Church West Bend Campus, 2005 S. Main Street, West Bend, WI US 53095

Contact: Adam Baker e

People continually tried to control Jesus and make Him fit their expectations: Satan, the Pharisees & Chief Priests, “religious” people, political leaders, and sometimes even the disciples. Even today, we often try to fit Jesus into a box that neatly fits our lives, but what would happen if we encountered the first-century Christ? We would quickly realize that He is not Someone Who can be controlled, nor does He fit into anyone’s box. He is Uncontainable, and we must instead fit into Who He is.

Note: Teaching is recorded. Small groups can join live at the campus or view the recorded teaching during regularly scheduled small-group meetings.

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