Worship Ministry


In the Old Testament, one word is paired with the word ‘worship’ more than any other word... and it’s not ‘sing’ – it’s ‘Bow Down.’  Worship is a posture of the body, but more-so, it’s a posture of the heart.  We come to the Lord in submission and surrender.

In this posture of worship, throughout scripture we see followers of the Lord ascribing praise, giving thanks, singing, giving their gifts and offerings, and using their talents and gifting. 

What We Value

We believe our worship (the songs we lead, the prayer we offer, and all of our creative offerings) need to be biblically sound, yet also relevant to this time and the generations we represent.

Our goal is to engage the whole congregation in worshipping the Lord, and to encourage them to sing out words that are drawn directly from scripture and which uphold the message we’re being challenged with.

What to Expect

On any given Sunday you will hear contemporary worship songs, a hymn or two, and a variety of music from the past 30 years of Christian worship music.  We have several worship teams led by a handful of worship leaders, and these teams rotate between our campuses for the purpose of continuity in our church family.

In the musical spirit of Psalm 150, we utilize a variety of modern instruments, including guitars, drums, and keyboard, as well as occasionally adding some classical instruments like strings and flute.  The songs may be upbeat or reflective, but they will always specifically align with the passage of scripture and message that is being preached.

How to Serve

There are numerous roles in our worship ministry, some of which are musical (singing or playing an instrument), and some of which are technical (running the soundboard or projection). 

For us, the qualifications to be on a worship team are less about musical strength (though that's important), and more about your faith-walk, being spiritually aligned, and being part of the church family.  Anyone interested must be actively engaged with the church for roughly 6 months through regular attendance in worship services and participation in groups or other serving ministries before being invited to join the worship ministry.

If you are interested in learning more about this process: Contact Pastor Dan

Worship Leaders

Dan Kelm

West Bend Site Pastor

office: (262)-338-0725
