Children's Ministry Emails
I would like to receive emails regarding Community Church Children's Ministry.
I would like to receive emails regarding Community Church Children's Ministry.
Our crawlers and walkers are ages 6 weeks - 3 years old. This space is designed to enjoy worship songs, an activity, a short bible lesson, and lots of time to play and be loved by our volunteers!
This class starts with worship songs, a Bible lesson that ties into both the worship songs and their activity. Next, they do a Discover Time activity that gets their minds thinking about what the Bible lesson taught them while having fun.
We have two elementary classes. K-2nd Grade and 3rd-5th Grade. This allows us to best teach our students. This class starts with worship songs, a Discover Time activity that gets their minds thinking about what the Bible lesson will teach while having fun, and concludes with a Bible lesson.
You can find all of our worship songs for the current quarter here!
Away in a Manger
Silent Night
Always With Us
Do Not Fear
I Believe in Jesus
I Call You Jesus
King of Majesty
Never Be Shaken
Tell The World
We Will Live
I'm new! What do I need to know?
Save time by registering your children early!
We always want to know the specific needs of your family, so we can take care of your children best. For this reason, we have all new families fill out a Discovery Land registration form. Follow the link to fill out the form in advance!
Don't be stressed about making it to service on time! Be sure to come early to give yourself plenty of time to meet the team, drop your kids off, and head to the Worship Center. Our check in happens on our lower level of our building.
Health & Safety Procedures:
Health Home Screening Checklist
Does your child require special attention? Including but not limited to:
Our Children's Ministry is run by volunteers and we need your help! We have a lot of different areas that you can get plugged in, such as:
To be a part of the Children's Ministry, please fill out an application or get in touch with our Children's Director, Ashley Vorwerk.
Children's Director