Community Christian Academy

As we prepare to open a school for the 2025-2026 school year, we want to bring you along for the journey. We can't do this without the investment of the church body. This page will be a great resource for educating you on the journey and keeping you up to do! We have a magazine with all of the information on curriculum, staffing model, portrait of an educator, and more. You can see the digital copy here or stop in at either of our campuses for a physical copy.


What is the Mission & Vision for the school?


Partnering with parents to develop virtuous children through the pursuit of excellence to the glory of God.

To partner with parents to instill virtue and a desire for excellence in the hearts and souls of children through a foundation on God’s Word so they may pursue after Christ and desire to fulfill God’s will for their lives according to His divine providence so that He may be glorified through each of them.


Guided by God’s revealed word in the Scriptures we strive to disciple new generations of Christ followers by encouraging them to develop:

  • A worldview that is built on the foundation of Scripture
  • Excellence in character
  • A life that uncompromisingly models and honors Christ
  • A joy for discovery by equipping them with the tools for a life of learning
  • An appreciation of the truth, goodness and beauty woven by God into His Creation for the purpose of human flourishing

Will the school be independent of the church?

Our desire is that the school would exist as a ministry within the church. We have a men's ministry, women's ministry, etc., and this would exist as a ministry similar to those ministries. We have a responsibility to educate our children founded on a Biblical worldview and this is an opportunity to do that as a church family.

What curriculum will be used?

We are currently heading down the path of classical education. We believe that this education model works well with what we are hoping to achieve with Christian Education. There are resources available on this page intended to help you understand more about this education model.

How much is tuition and will there be financial aid?

While there is a cost to educate for each child and private education can be expensive, the church is exploring every avenue to avoid passing this cost along to individual families.  Ideally, we will fund what we can from the general budget and fundraise for the shortfall.  The goal is that each member of Community Church will be able to have their children attend Community Christian Academy with no tuition expense.  We will be asking each family to support as they are able and for the church to be gracious in this endeavor.

What ages/grades will the school cover? Will there be preschool or daycare? 

Our desire is to provide schooling for every grade.  This will largely be dependent upon need.  If you have children in a particular grade level, please let us know of your interest in enrolling.  We will do all that we can to accommodate.  We are looking into the possibility of day care, preschool, and before/after school care.  We expect that this will be achievable.

Will there be sports or extracurriculars?

After-school club options may be available as volunteer availability and student interest allow.  We are currently exploring other options, as well, and will keep interested parents informed of the progress.

Will there be special needs classes?

Special needs will be handled case-by-case based on the amount of support needed and available.

Is the school expected to be a 5-day per week model, or a hybrid?

The school will be a 5-day per week, full-day model.  However, we expect to offer cafeteria style courses, so homeschool families can participate in courses that may supplement their education, as well.

How can I stay updated on the progress of the school?

This webpage will be a great resource for updated information. We will have more meetings in the future and will begin regular communications soon. 

Community Christian Academy

What is Classical Education?

We want to help you learn about the model of education we hope to provide at this school. Classical Education is a model that we have been impressed by and believe to be a strong education model. Check out these resources to learn more about Classical Education.


The Well Educated Mind

Recovering the Lost Tools of Learning

Norms & Nobility

Simply Classical

Meeting Recordings

Did you miss one of our previous school meetings and want to catch up on what's been shared? Check out the recordings of our previous meetings here!

October 16, 2024 Town Hall Meeting

November 18, 2024

School Board & Staff

Ashley Vorwerk

Director of Children's Ministry & Social Media

office: (262)-338-0725 ext. 203

    Upcoming Event's

    You can see all upcoming meetings or events here!
