Community Church Blog

Jude: A Doxology

by Sam Karlovich on August 05, 2022

In these last two verses, Jude concludes his letter with a doxology. He gives us one last reminder of the work of God and then gives God all the glory. Jude encourages us all the way to the end of his letter. He wants us to remember that Christ will help us in the midst of false teachers. 

         Jude reminds us that Christ keeps us from stumbling. In the midst of false teachers, it is easy for us to fall into their trap. Many times, their voices are louder than those that are preaching the truth. However, Christ will protect us from stumbling. He will be there for us, helping us keep our eyes on Him. We don’t have to worry about doing it on our own. It is because of Christ that we will be able to stay firm in our faith and not pursue the false teachers. If it was up to us to keep from stumbling, we would not be able to do it. I am reminded of when Peter walked out on the water to Jesus. When he kept his eyes on Christ, he was able to stay on top of the water. However, when he took his eyes off Jesus and started to look at the waves, he began to sink. We must keep our eyes fixed on Christ and not worry about the waves around us. This is not where this ends though. When Peter called out to Jesus for help, He was there to help him. Jesus was right there waiting for Peter to call out to Him for help. Likewise, Jesus will be there for us when we begin to sink into the sea. All we must do is call out to Him for help and He will stretch out His hand to help us. He will help us keep our eyes fixed on Him. It is only through the power of Christ that we are able to keep from stumbling and falling into the teachings of the false teachers.

         Not only will Christ keep us from stumbling, but He will present us faultless before God. God will not see our sin. Rather, He will see us as free from blemishes. We will be able to be in God’s presence because our blemishes have been covered by Christ. His death on the cross and resurrection covered all believer’s sins. There is no sin that we can commit that Jesus’ death cannot cover. If we went to God on our own, we would not be able to be near His presence, let alone in His presence. It is only with Christ that we will be able to be in the presence of God. It is through Christ alone that we can have unity with God. We are able to have a relationship with Him as adopted sons and daughters. We have been brought into His presence. We are His chosen people. This is because of Christ’s work on the cross. We would not be able to be His chosen people and be adopted into His family if Christ had not first covered all our sins. It is Christ that will keep us in right standing with God.

         Jude continues in his closing to give glory to Christ. It is only through Him that we are able to see the glory and majesty of God. It is through Christ that God is glorified. Jude goes as far as to say that this has been true before the beginning of time and will continue. It will never cease to be true. God is most glorified through His Son. 

         This is the closing reminder that we receive from Jude. While all the warnings that he had just given are true, we don’t have to worry about standing firm on our own. When we trust in Christ, he is faithful to keep us from stumbling. He will present us blameless to God. It is through Christ that God is glorified. This has been true since before the beginning of time and will continue into eternity.

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